Thursday 16 February 2012

Forgive Me For Valentine's Day....

Had a typically clichéd girl Valentine's Day. Was actually rather unintentional.

We were like Lady and the Tramp but instead of Spaghetti Meatballs we had Curly Fries.
We sipped pink Champagne (until we ran out and reverted to boxed white wine) and ate sweets while watching that new Keira Knightly movie with all the spanking scenes... V lovely.

By the time we'd watched the film the Champagne was gone and I told my girl about those unfortunate movies I'd found (refer to last blog post).

People might think that we engage in strange activities together but it's actually one of my favourite ways to spend time...
We find strange porn to watch ('Having Sex With Virgin Melon'), funny vintage porn (70's hairdo's-top and bottom), look through blogs full of mens penis's and mock/laugh/admire (has, has he got a triangle shaped penis??) and generally have a catch up over general going's on ('Vikki Blows's breasts look so much bigger in this years calendar than last years-has she had a boob job?).

So naturally we decided it would be a great idea to check out a couple of these awful titled films. (Again, refer to previous post;

The first movie; 'Forgive Me For Raping You' is about a priest, who I believe is eventually revealed as someone imitating a priest (we were skipping through the whole thing).
He uses his power to pretend he's 'healing' or 'treating' women and rapes them and then asks afterwards 'Will you forgive me for raping you?' Bad enough until he then decides to kill them by strangling them. Nice.
Lowest and most absurb point of the film is when he just 'happens' to drive past a house where he notices a dodgy character leave through the back door.
Entering the house he finds a girl tied up and gagged where she has just been raped (Conveniant). He makes her carry out some sexual act claiming that he can't rape her because he doesn't want to be 'dirtied' by another man's...residue.
After he de-gags her she explains that her first rapist actually made her sit in a bath afterwards to get rid of his DNA or something (Scientifically incorrect as well as an ethical monstrosity). After this admission he revels in the joy that he can now rape her without getting dirty. Hurrah for him. Then kills her.

After that disturbing waste of digital space we decided to go onto something a little more adsurb and potentially more amusing. Cue; Slow Torture Puke Chamber.
This was little more amusing. Based on a porn star with bulimia on the verge of coming back from actual hell (the place where satan resides).
There's a lot of weird puking scenes with some added weeing-in-a-tub parts (I don't really get where the piss comes into it...) (Apart from maybe, taking the...)
The whole film ends up a bit like 'A Siberian Film'...someone gives birth, the baby is killed, raped and eaten. At this stage I was skipping through the movie as quickly as I could because it was just a bit much for me to stomach after all that junk food. Blah, blah, blah, the ending was a blur....

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