Sunday 13 February 2011

My friends have started to note that I've been single a long time. They want me to fall in love. Bless.

Sunday 6 February 2011


This picture spurred me on a long thought train.

When I first saw it I kind of wanted to be amused by it, as it is kinda true.However, I also wanted to be offended by it, it's almost like it's saying 'It doesn't matter what the hell we do, it'll never be right for womankind.'

It’s strange because sexism isn’t about being the dominant sex, it’s about equality.

I do wonder though, how can this ever be achieved?

There’s no such thing as equality in some parts of life between male and females;
Only females can get pregnant. This is one huge imbalance that can’t be changed. And even if we could choose who carries the baby, someone is still on a different platform regardless of whether it’s the male or female.

With relation to this image I believe that when it comes to love, lust, romance, sex, there is never true equality. In lust and definitely sex, it’s a constant power struggle.

Even when a couple marry and ‘balance’ each other. They’re still not truly equal are they?
We compliment each other and essentially become a yin-yang, seperate but as one.

I just think true equality is a ridiculous and impossible dream.

Men and women are not the same, we do not think the same and we are physically not the same.
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