Saturday 14 January 2012

To Sex Or Not To Sex?

I was made to think recently about my vivid sex life and what's worse, was made to question it.

I don't have my beliefs questioned too often so it's not something I have to contend with much; I'm friends with like-minded, lovely people, I work for an industry that is based around sex, I grew up reading Cosmopolitan and Scarlet magazine, telling me it was okay to like sex. Having an orgasm is not a bad thing!

On this instance though I had to tune into my pro-feminism mind and reassess my actions, asking myself things such as;

-Why have I had sex with the number of people I have?

-Surely it's inevitable that people rack up a certain amount of sexual partners if you haven't been in a long-term relationship?

-When I'm starting to see someone, why is sex included so quickly?

-Do I think sex is an emotionless act?

I'm, obviously, not the kind of person to treasure sex as a sacred thing between two people to be betroved and I'm doubtless that I have been exposed to such an amount of sexual content in media that I've been desensitised to some extent.

However, this does not mean that I go around screwing anything with a pulse, that I am any less of a person than anyone else, that I am not to be trusted, that I am inconsistant or can't commit and that I don't care about the person who I have sex with, amongst other horrendous assumptions.

Not only do I get labelled with these assumptions because of the quantity of people I've had sexual relations with but because, worst of all, I talk about it.
(To be clear, when talking about it, no one would really know if I was talking about my experiences with the same person or whether my experiences were with different people.)

Yes. I talk about sex. With my girlfriends I talk about funny things that happen, about when odd things happen, when things happen in general!

With anybody I will happily reference sex, happily be open that I masturbate (This is never an issue for men and they even go as far as to say 'I'm going for a wank'.), that I used to test Sex Toys (it's a job that people have to do!), happy to correct common generalisations about how females view sex...
I just don't understand how in this day and age, where we talk about drugs, murder, global warming, war and where songs, that are frequently aimed at the generation of people who partaking in sex is illegal for, are littered with sexual innuendos, how it is still taboo/looked down on for a twenty-something girl to talk about her sexual encounters.

I feel like it's almost like religion... We're all happy to live together, happy that other people have different beliefs but some individuals ruin it by choosing to enforce their beliefs onto other people.

Anyway, this single girl is no longer single (sorry), so once again I can be put in the 'can be trusted' box....

Either way, I'm not going to stop being who I am. People can see me as some kind of insensitive and callous person but I know I'm just a wild, free-spirit.
I know I follow my heart and at the end of the day, your heart still connects to your clitoris!

1 comment:

  1. A very revealing post, I like the honesty and the feelings behind your expressions.
    It is not always bad to question yourself from time to time, it helps reinforce your belief in yourself. You know your mind better than anyone else, so if you can convince the questioning side that you’re in control then maybe it will give you a bit more slack and have your back in the future??


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