Sunday 31 October 2010

A Hard Man Is Good To Find (Part 2)

So basically. I've ran out of places to find men.
I tried to work out what bases I hadn't covered, let's see....
  • Bars and clubs- No hope in hell here. No matter what anyone tells you, people in clubs are only after one thing; A night of fun. That's all. Even if he makes you breakfast, he's just being polite.

  • Internet dating- Alledgedly this is actually a very successful way to meet someone but again, it's full of so many men wanting again, just a night of fun.
    Also, when you're desperate enough to go to the internet for men think how desperate a man must be to go on the internet for a woman. Doesn't seem so great now does it?

  • Through friends- I'll be honest here, this is sometimes good, especially when you have the time to get to know the person before deciding if it's something you want to take further.
    HOWEVER! In my experience, having friends actively set me up seems to fail and flail. You think your friend knows you? Really? I bet she's just enjoying herself playing cupid.
    Also, what happens when you realise you don't want to take it further and then have to see them everytime you go out with your friend? Tres awkward....

  • Work- I find this is to be one of the Golden places to find someone. Again though, this has major, major flaws to it.
    For one, you have to be accepting you may have to work with that person if things go wrong. Personally though, I think you have enough time to bide to decide if the person is worth this gamble.
    Secondly, in my case, I work in women's retail fashion. There are no men here! And if there are any in our shop, they're buying for their partners. Boo :(

  • School- Who's never found a boyfriend from school? Unfortunately, unless you're at uni or under the age of 18 you're only equivelent to this would be an evening class.
    I've been to an evening class and I can tell you now. Don't bother.

So, to conclude; I can not think of anywhere else that I might be missing. Please enlighten me sweet world? Are we really to believe that we're to find our true love while stuck in the rain waiting for a taxi or that they're one day going to move in next door to us?
I think I have more hope of growing a pair of wings.

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